Árvore de páginas


This feature lists the Bill of Lading, allowing classifications by carrier, shipment date, or BOL number.

BOL Listing - Selection Folder

Purpose of the Screen:Allow you to define ranges that will limit the selection and generation of reports.

Main Fields and Parameters:

CarrierEnter the initial and final abbreviated names of the carriers, establishing a range. Only documents whose associated carrier is within this range will be selected for the list.
BOLEnter the initial and final numbers of the BOL, establishing a range. Only documents whose BOL number is within this range will be selected for the list.
Shipping DateEnter the start and end shipping dates of the BOL, establishing a range. Only documents whose shipping date is within this range will be selected for the list.
UserEnter the code of the initial and final BOL implementation user, establishing a range. Only documents whose implementation user is within this range will be selected for the list.

BOL Listing - Classification Folder

Purpose of the Screen:Allow you to determine the classification to be used for generating listing information, which can be by: Carrier, Shipping Date or BOL Number.

BOL Printing - Parameters Folder

Purpose of the Screen:Allow you to set parameters to generate the report.

Main Fields and Parameters:


Indicate which BOL status will be considered for listing, from the options below:

  • Printed: Only previously printed documents will be listed.
  • Not Printed: Only documents not yet printed will be listed.
  • All: Printed and unprinted documents will be listed.
Print Parameter PageClick to indicate that the parameter page will be printed at the end of the report.

BOL Printing - Printing Folder

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to set the destination of the generation as well as the way of execution.

For details, see Printing Folder.