To perform an invoicing or issue an inbound document, the System must calculate the IGV using the linking with previously registered data of Variable Tax (SFB Tables), Outflow and Inflow Types (SF4 Tables), and in the Linking TIO x Taxes (SFC Table), following the calculation rule:

Calculation Procedure

Calculation Basis = Amount of Goods/Services + Freight (when FOB*) + Insurance + Expenses – Discounts + ISC (if any).

Rate = Rate informed in SFB table

IGV = Rate * Calculation Basis

Example: (no ISC calculation)

Goods Sold: 800.00.

Freight: 100.00.

Insurance: 50.00.

Expenses: 50.00.

Calculation Basis: 1,000.00.

Rate: 19%

Tax amount: 190.00.

Total of Receipt and Invoice: 1,190.00.

Example: (with ISC calculation, ISC calculated at 1%)

Goods Sold: 800.00.

Freight: 100.00.

Insurance: 50.00.

Expenses: 50.00.

ISC: (1,000.00 x 1%) 10.00

Calculation Basis: 1,010.00.

Rate: 19%

Tax amount: 191.90

Total of Receipt and Invoice: 1,191.90.

* The system only considers the freight in the tax calculation when this one is FOB, once in this modality, the collection is up to the invoice issuer.


In Invoices, the tax amount and invoice totals must have the decimals calculated by the System. Only on complementary obligations (magnetic files and tax payment to the government) the decimals should be rounded and removed from monetary amounts.

The amount of the Outbound Document (entered through Sales Order or Manual Invoice) or Inbound Document with configuration to calculate IGV must be found at the footnote area.

IGV Realization Calculation

To perform an invoicing or issue an inbound document, the System must calculate the IGV using the linking with previously registered data of Variable Tax (SFB Tables), Outflow and Inflow Types (SF4 Tables), and in the Linking TIO x Taxes (SFC Table), following the calculation rule:

Calculation Procedure

Calculation Basis = Amount of Goods/Services – Discounts + IGV (freight, insurance and expenses should not be part of realization calculation basis).

Rate = Rate informed on product (according to product classification)

PIV = Rate * Calculation Basis

Example: (no ISC calculation)

Goods Sold: 1,000.00.

IGV Calculation Basis: 1,000.00.

IGV Rate: 19%

IGV amount: 190.00.

Calculation Basis of IGV Realization: 1,190.00.

PIV Percentage: (registered on product): 2%

PIV Amount: 23.80

Total of document and trade note: 1,213.80.

Example: (with ISC calculation, ISC calculated at 1%)

Goods Sold: 1,000.00.

ISC: (1,000.00 x 1%) 10.00

IGV Calculation Basis: 1,010.00.

IGV Rate: 19%

IGV amount: 191.90

Calculation Basis of IGV Realization: 1,191.90.

PIV Percentage (registered on product): 2%

PIV Amount: 23.84

Total of document and trade note: 1,215.74.

IGV Depreciation Calculation

To perform an invoicing or issue an inbound document, the System must calculate the IGV using the linking with previously registered data of Variable Tax (SFB Tables), Outflow and Inflow Types (SF4 Tables), and in the Linking TIO x Taxes (SFC Table), following the calculation rule:

Calculation Procedure

Calculation Basis = Amount of Goods/Services – Discounts + IGV (freight amount, insurance and expenses should not compose the calculation basis)

Rate = Rate informed on product (according to product classification)

DIG = Rate * Calculation Basis

Example: (no ISC calculation), in the outflow

Goods Sold: 1,000.00.

IGV Calculation Basis: 1,000.00.

IGV Rate: 19%

IGV amount: 190.00.

Calculation Basis of IGV Depreciation: 1,190.00.

DIG Percentage (registered on product): 10%

DIG Amount: 119.00.

Total of document and trade note: 1,190.00.

Example: (with ISC calculation, ISC calculated at 1%), in the outflow

Goods Sold: 1,000.00.

ISC: (1,000.00 x 1%) 10.00

IGV Calculation Basis : 1,010.00.

IGV Rate: 19%

IGV amount: 191.90

Calculation Basis of IGV Depreciation: 1,191.90.

DIG Percentage (registered on product): 10%

DIG Amount: 119.19.

Total of document and trade note: 1,191.90.

Example: (no ISC calculation), in inflows

Goods Sold: 1,000.00.

IGV Calculation Basis: 1,000.00.

IGV Rate: 19%

IGV amount: 190.00.

Calculation Basis of IGV Depreciation: 1,190.00.

DIG Percentage (registered on product):  10%

DIG Amount: 119.00.

Total of document and trade note: 1,071.00.

Example (with ISC calculation at 1%), in outflows

Goods Sold: 1,000.00.

ISC: (1,000.00 x 1%) 10.00

IGV Calculation Basis : 1,010.00.

IGV Rate: 19%

IGV amount: 191.90

Calculation Basis of IGV Depreciation: 1,191.90.

DIG Percentage (registered on product): 10%

DIG Amount: 119.19.

Total of document and trade note: 1,072.71.

See Also