The activity informed is from the invoice issuer, identified in the parameter MV_CIIU.

The rate considered is always the one found in the Variable Tax table (SFB), which must be the standard rate for operation of taxpayer activities.

If there is exception to the rule (for example, services provided of an activity different from the official activity), the table Ganancias/Cooperative Fund (SFF) must be checked.

To check if operation is an activity different of that of taxpayer standard, check if field Uniform Inter. Ind. Code is filled out. If it is, place table Ganancias/Cooperative Fund (SFF) using grouping code.

For such, use index 6 (sale CFO), searching for tax code (ICA) + operation CFO (the one registered in TIO) + Tax Zone and check if the activity code in field Uniform Inter. Ind. Code is mentioned.

If reference is found, the rate of SFF table is used. Otherwise, the Variable Taxes table (SFB) rate is activated.

Adding a Manual Outbound Invoice

1. In the Manual Invoice maintenance window, the system displays the parameter screen. Fill them out according to operation and confirm.

2. The system displays new screen parameter, to define the accounting and linking configuration with Customer and Supplier, in case of purchases.


Customers and Suppliers File includes the taxpayer type classification of the Invoice addressees. Thus, check the correct completion

3. Fill out data and confirm them.

The system displays invoices already issued.

4. Click Add.

The system displays add screen. The screen upper part displays the fields that compose the Invoice Header, the bottom part, the Footer Folders.


When the registration of a range of forms for Credit operations in the Invoicing module is made, the NCC option (Customer Credit Note) must be indicated in the type field of Form Control (see Main Fields and Controls of mentioned).

See Also