This routine generates the demand of the previous month, classifies the sales and cost ABC as well as the type of price, and saves the formula of calculation of demand for each product, according to the questions answered in the window Parameters.

This process must be made at the beginning of the month, before generating the Purchase Suggestion.

During the processing, the new table Consumption File (SBL) is updated in 7 internal processes. They are:

Types of Methods

The formulas used to calculate the demand can be:




Average of last periods = (aConsumo[nAtual-1]+aConsumo[nAtual-2]+aConsumo[nAtual-3])/3




aConsumo[nAtual-12] * aConsumo[nAtual-1] + aConsumo[nAtual-2] + aConsumo[nAtual-3]

                                  aConsumo[nAtual-13] + aConsumo[nAtual-14] = aConsumo[nAtual-15]

You can also create a exclusive formula through Formula Register.


You can work with all the methods together. However, the amount calculated by the calculation of demand, to be used in Purchase Suggestion, can vary depending on the transaction the product had.


Generating the demand of a product:

  1. By accessing the routine Demand Generation, the window Parameters is displayed.
  2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
  3. Check parameters and confirm them.

A message is displayed to confirm the demand generation.

4. Confirm it.