This register enables usage control of reference chart of accounts of regulatory tax bodies (Federal Revenue Service, Cosif and Susep, among others), which are modified by conformance of Brazilian accounting regulation with Law 11,638/07 and with international accounting regulation.

The main purpose of Law 11,638/07, which is effective since January, 2008, is to update Brazilian accounting regulation, according and deepening them, considering international pronouncements, specially those issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Chart of Accounts is a list of all the Accounts envisaged by the company's Accounts Department as necessary for its accounting records.


1. Including a referential ledger account:

2. Access the routine through Referential Chart of Accounts menu.

View some of the browser options:

3. Use option Add if you want to include a new chart of accounts.

Screen for adding the chart is displayed. Fill out fields and use field help if necessary.


In order to build a relationship between a referential chart of accounts and a chart of accounts, access routine Chart of Accounts and add or edit a chart of account informing, in the screen footer, referential chart and account.

4. If you want to import one of the referential chart of accounts made available by regulatory tax bodies, select the chart and click Import referential chart.

5. Click Search to locate the TXT file.

6. Confirm it.

7. Select a chart and click Export referential chart to export a reference chart of accounts.

8. A screen is displayed to indicate where TXT file must be saved.

9. Click Search and confirm it.

10. Check the data and confirm them.

Referential Chart of Accounts - Colombia

Importing a referential chart of accounts regarding the ISIC - International Standard Industrial Classification:

  1. Access the Referential Chart of Accounts.
  2. Select Imp. ref.chart
  3. Locate the .CVE file, enter the code for the chart and confirm it.
  4. After importing, click Finish and check the imported accounts.