Pending Preventive Service Request Warning

This routine purports to notify users of maintenance jobs either outstanding or due on the day of notification, as well as of the reasons for their delays, whenever service orders have been issued for such maintenance jobs and some reason has been given for the delays. The workflow is sent to those in charge of the Repair Shop process (TSK_PROCES = 1 or 6), as defined in the Branch routine, and to all members of the email accounts group in which the Program Code field is filled out with MNTW020.


To trigger the Pending Preventive Maintenance Warning:

1. In Workflow, Select Pend. Prev. Maint.
2. When you select this option, a workflow is automatically sent.



If the System is linked to the HR (MV_NGMNTRH = S), the employee table used is SRA, if N, the table used is ST1.
Add the MNTW020_01.HTM file to the folder as indicated in the MV_WFDIR parameter.