Leave for the Whole of February

When calculating monthly salary, you may define the February salary calculation mode for employees who are on leave for the whole month.

The usual system procedure in this case is to consider two days worth of salary (or one day, in leap years) for advance and payroll payment, as the monthly salary is considered to consist of 30 days and, thus, the employee must receive the difference between the days on leave (which may be 28 or 29 days) and the 30 days worth of salary when he/she is on leave for the whole of February.

By changing the LPGSALFEV Mnemonic, you may choose not to pay these remaining days of salary.


Defining whether to consider the remaining days in the calculation for leave of absence in February:

1. In Mnemonics, find the LPGSALFEV mnemonic.
2. Change its content, as needed:
.F. - (false) sets the system not to pay the remaining days of February salary.
.T. - (true) sets the system to pay the remaining days of February salary.
3. Once this is changed, proceed with the salary calculation for the period, as usual.

See Also
