Payment Receipt

This query allows viewing the payment receipt onscreen in the printing format, displaying entries regarding:

Payroll payments
advance payments
1st and 2nd installments of the 13th salary
pending transactions in the month
transactions of previous months


It also allows searching employees by different indexes (registration number, name, document numbers, etc.).


Querying payment receipts:

1. In Payment Receipt, select View.

The system displays the payment receipt data onscreen.

2. To change the employee being queried, the Search Employee area has the following options:
Return to First: returns to the first employee record, according to the chosen sequence (registration number, name, etc.)
Previous Employee: returns to the employee record immediately before the current one
Next Employee: displays the payment receipt of the next employee, the one immediately after the current one.
Forward to Last: goes to the last employee record, according to the selected sequence.
3. Select the employee query sequence, which may be:
Branch + registration number: sorts employees by registration number.
Branch + Name: sorts employees by name.
4. Confirm the sequence.
5. In the Reference area, define the type of query and the reference date of the payment receipt using the following fields:
Date: enter the reference date of the payments to be queried in the receipt.
Week: if the employee is paid per week, enter the week number referring to the payment receipt.
Type: select the type of payment to be queried in the receipt, which may be Payroll, Advance or 13th salary.
5. After configuring the parameters for querying the Payment Receipt, a spreadsheet is displayed, containing the payment amounts sorted by code and description, the income and deduction amounts, the total amounts and the net amount received by the employee.
6. Check data and confirm.