Benefits - Health Care Plan

Field Has Health Plan (RB_PLSAUDE) is always visible, not only when benefits criteria are registered with relationship entries.

When you edit field Has Health Plan, the system checks the Dependents Active Plans (RHL table) for this dependent and, if it finds any, it displays a message stating you cannot change this field to No.

The system checks for Active Plans as follows:

 - A record must exist on table RHL.

 - The base date of the System must be within the validity period of the Health Plan.

If the two conditions above are met, the system assumes the dependent does have a health plan, in which case you cannot change the field to No.


In the dependents register, find the Field \"Health Plan\" (RB_PLSAUDE), which indicates whether the dependent has a health plan or not. 

This field only becomes visible when:

1. A registered hierarchy configuration exists for \"Health Plan\" (Updates -> Benefits -> Automatic Calculation -> Benefits Criteria)
2. The Health Plan Register (table \"SL0 - Plans for Dependents\") is filled out. 

If any of the above conditions is not met, the field does not become visible to the user.