
Employees Register is the base for Personnel Management system, so it must be carefully entered. Some fields must be entered, as they represent the least information needed for using the system.

Based on data existing in this file, are performed payroll calculations, vacations, absences. An attendance control can be performed and information to RAIS, DIRF and SEFIP is generated.

Employees listed are classified according to the caption and their respective role can list several positions.

An employee's status is defined by filling out the field Payroll Status in the Functional Data tab. After filling out this field, the System changes the status and color classification regarding him/her   in the routine maintenance window. When this field is blank, it means the employee has a regular status.

For the same function defined to a certain employee, it is possible to list several positions.

In Brazil, there is an exclusive treatment for employees, according to the Normative Instruction INSS/DC No. 87.


To proceed with an employee deletion, it is necessary to assure that there are no other references to him in other files, such as:Annual Accrued (SRD), Monthly Transaction (SRC), Provisions (SRF), etc.


When making an addition to the Employee Register (SRA) the employees can also be created in the register of people/participants (RD0) of the SIGAAPD module. Changing the Employee, there is a possibility of listing employees (SRA)that are already in the Register of Participants (RD0). For this to take place, access the option Related Features, where the system will show the option List and View Relationship. Relationships are registered on the table People x Entities (RDZ).


To successfully make relationship on employee and people registers, make sure the file MSRELRDZ.INI is available in the directory of SX files. The Protheus® standard installation path is \Protheus_data\system, that can be edited on system installation. Check with you informatics department.


Microsiga Protheus® sends a Singles Message.

This routine is used to work with a Single Message Employee. With this purpose use the function IntegDef Static. In the application must be added to the include directive to the file FWADAPTEREAI.CH.

On Microsiga Protheus®, there is a special validation when using the integration with LOGIX MV_ERPLOGI = 1 and the message service, blocking the field Departament (RA_DEPTO) to be filled out, avoiding integration failures, once the LOGIX field is mandatory.

Legal Grounds

Facultative FGTS

As disposed on Article 16 of Law No. 8.036 from May 11. 1990, the companies subject to the Labor Legislation regime can equate its directors, non-employees, and other workers subject to the FGTS regime.

The employee that had the field Type Leave (R8_TIPO) of the routine Leaves selected with Type M in case the company choose to collect FGTS for the employee, enter the percentage on field % Dep.FGTS (RA_PERFGTS) or, in opposite, leave this field with value zero (0,00).

See Also

The following routines regard Employees Register:

People/Participants Register
Employee Management
Trade Union Register
Positions Register
Roles Register


To see the data of registered Employees:

Registration Form
Employee Query


To print data regarding the Employees Register:

Positions and Salaries
Employee Transactions


Further information: