Collection Folder

This option enables the business agent to register the total or partial collection of financial values of customers with pending bills.

Data collected are send to the back office, which is responsible for writing off bills receivable and integrating collected values from Hand Held with Financials module.

The base collected in the back office is saved in a temporary account (example: FDA Account), which is analyzed and classified in the company accounts receivable (example: 09981-5 Itaú Bank).

All registered collections can be changed and deleted as long as information has not been sent to the back office.

To transfer collected data from Hand Held to the temporary account, the parameters admin-IN-c90defc2-7609-4c54-bf05-ec66a6fef3ee-1508157842149-3856113b-493a-46b3-b7a9-b891478324e5, admin-IN-c90defc2-7609-4c54-bf05-ec66a6fef3ee-1508157842149-3856113b-493a-46b3-b7a9-b891478324e5, admin-IN-c90defc2-7609-4c54-bf05-ec66a6fef3ee-1508157842149-3856113b-493a-46b3-b7a9-b891478324e5 must be configured in the back office.


Accessing the collection folder:

1. After starting a sales transaction, click the Collection folder.

The collection window is displayed with the following options:

2. After running the operation you want, click the Service menu.
3. Select Return.

The system returns to the business visit window.