Day Closing

This routine enables the business agent to analyze all visits made in a certain day with the following search options:

Positive Customers: Displays customers visited that confirmed orders in a certain day.
Non-sale: Displays non-positive customers, that is, the ones not visited, through cases established by the back office.
Summary of the Day (Orders): Indicates how many orders were issued for a certain day of visits.
Summary of the Day (Invoices): Indicates how many invoices were issued for a certain day of visits.

This information is not sent to the back office because this routine only shows the business agent the visits made in a certain day in a fast and simple way.


Closing the day:

1. In FDA window, click FDA.

Main and journal menus are displayed.

2. Click Journal menu.

Menu routines are displayed.

3. Select Day Closing.

The day closing window is displayed with four search options.

4. After checking the desired search, click Exit.

The system returns to the main window of FDA.