Activity/Document Schedule

In the register Country you can relate all documents and/or activities required by that country in an export.

In the register Importers you can also relate the documents/activities required by a certain customer, besides the documents/activities already related per country.


To relate the documents and/or activities per country:

1. In Countries, place the cursor on the register required.
2. Select Change option.


A window is displayed with data from the country. Make sure the language of the country was already entered before starting the relationship.

3. Click Document Selection.

A window is displayed with the documents available in the language.

4. Select the documents by double-clicking it.
5. Confirm to save it.


To relate Documents/Activities per Importer:

1. In Customers, place the cursor on the customer/importer.
2. Select Change option.


A window is displayed with data from the customer. Make sure the language of the country was already entered before starting the relationship.

3. Click Documents/Activities.


A window is displayed with activities and documents already related to the customer.

4. To relate the documents/activities of the customer, click Document Selection / Activities.
5. To move the relation of documents, use options Move Down and Move Up.


The system displays a window with documents already related to the customer, according to the register of countries and the document relationship.

6. To relate the documents from the country of the customer, click Mark default documentation of the country.
7. To mark all documents at once, click Check/Uncheck All or select each document through double-click.
8. Confirm to save it.