RUD (Drawback Joint Report) is a document, which model is in Appendix L of decree Secex nr. 35, of 11/24/06. This form must be filled out and delivered to a Banco do Brasil S/A unit, along with the Drawback Order, by the companies applying for the tax basis, exemption modality. RUD lists and identifies the electronic documents registered in Siscomex (IDs and REs) of Sales Invoice for internal market.

This report allows issuing RUD (after import or export shipping) evidencing the use of concession act balance.

Drawback Order is displayed in the browse only if the Concession Act Number is filled out (ED0_AC).


To generate the RUD form:

1. When you select Rud, the system displays the parameter window.
2. Fill out data according to the field help instructions and confirm it.
3. Then use the folders displayed in the form generation screen to configure printing (to file, spool, etc.).
4. Check the configuration and confirm printing of the form.

See also

Configuring standard reports