Type of Social Contribution

The field Type of Social Contribution must be completed whenever necessary calculate the value of the Rural Social Security Contribution (CSSR) on the fiscal document inflow operation, selected according to the type of Supplier.

Type of Social Contribution

J= Legal
F = Physical
L = Familiar


For the treatment of inflow documents with Rural Social Security Contribution (CSSR), it is necessary configure:

1.  On Supplier Register, the field Type SecCont. = Legal, Physical or Familiar.

NProduct Register, the field Soc. Sec. Cont. = Yes

This field indicates whether the Social Security Payment is levied on the product.

2. In the Parameters Register, in Configurator environment, note the content of the following parameters:

This parameter indicates the Social Security Payment percentage to be calculated:

Natural Person (2.2).
Especially Insured (2.3).
Corporate Entity (2.7).

It indicates the day when the Social Security Payment bill is generated (FUNRURAL).

3. In the Company Register, in Configurator environment, Company Creation option, define the field Rural Producer in Registration Data, Complements tab.
Rural Producer: F - Natural Person, J - Corporate Entity or L - Especially Insured (works with family group according to Bol. IOB Social Security Labor Law 48/94).

This field is automatically configured by the System as blank, meaning that the company is not subject to Funrural collection. When filled out, it is directly related to parameter MV_CONTSOC.

After configuring the aforementioned data, the Social Security Payment value is calculated and the TX type bill is generated in Accounts Payable, in Financials, to collect the rate.