Import Accounting Classification

In order to update the fixed asset forms already present in an environment with accounting/management data of the type confluencepage-b7f30f8d-4f39-4355-bd40-4ad654941eee, a facilitator for CSV importing of the management/accounting classification has been made available.

The accounting classification import feature follows the rules for importing text files in the CSV (comma-separated values) format with specific structure. The CSV file must contain the mandatory data pertaining to the classification of an item of an asset form, at least. The fields set as required must be present in the structure of the CSV file regardless of containing information.


The fields of values in other currencies are not mandatory, but if the confluencepage-a8a54fd1-71c5-4100-b066-a79927802ca5 parameter is set with a content different from 1, the fields referring to the configured currency are displayed for validating the import process.


The MV_ALTLCTO parameter must be set to N.
The MV_PRELAN parameter must be set to S.


Importing accounting classification:

1. In Assets, select the Asset you wish to import.
2. Click Related Features.
3. Select Import Classification.
4. Enter the directory where the CSV file is located.
5. Pay attention to the following parameters:
Name of the file to import: Path and name of the file containing the accounting classification.
Delete previous classification: If the asset already has classification, select Yes. The routines deletes the previous classification and adds the one described in the file.
6. Check data and confirm.


The routine only performs the deletion if there is no transaction after the classification of the asset.