Action Plan - Form

This option enables you to issue the list of entries of Action Plan registered in the system in the form format, according to the user parameterization.

It shows data concerning the number of occurrence/non-conformance form, opening date, closing date, type of action (corrective or preventive), user in charge, status, originator user, action plan executed, etc.


Generating the report of action plan - form:

1. By selecting the generation of the report Action Plan - Form, the window Parameters is displayed with the report parameters.
2. Configure them according to field help instructions.
3. Note, however, how the following fields are filled out:
Action Status - It can be filled out with 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, where:

1 - Registered

2 - In Analysis

3 - With Origin

4 - Without Origin

5 - Canceled

By confirming field entry, the window Choose Standard is displayed with selection according to the field definition.


Content = 25, Action Plan report concerning occurrence forms in analysis and canceled is printed.

View Before - If it is filled out with Yes, Action Plan form is displayed on the screen. Otherwise, it is directly printed in the printer connected.
4. Check data and confirm them.
5. If you wanted to view the form before printing it, you must click Print in the upper of the screen displayed.

By confirming it, you can select the interval of pages to be printed and the number of copies you want.


Before printing the form, you can configure parameters through the button Configure.

Printing Location: Local or server.
Orientation: Landscape or portrait.
Printer: Select one of the printers available.

See also

Standard Configuration of Reports

Configuration of Customized Reports