
The application Quality Protheus provides a company with subsidies to control the Quality Guarantee process. This environment, specifically, embraces information related to Metrology, Quality departments in charge of checking, tooling, calibration and measurement, according to requirements previously established by ISO 9000 rule.

The application principles related to Quality Management are based on the improvement of the company resources, such as: inputs, staff etc and, as a consequence, in the competitiveness increase. Among the main topics:

To create a data basis integrated, in local network, with all necessary information to quality:
To deploy the insured quality, to obtain reduction of no-conformities and improve the using;
To satisfy clients, through a continuous improvement method, providing a better competitive advantage over its competitors;
To help in transaction between detect and prevent;
To speed up Quality Guarantee organization, facilitating the use of ISO 9000 rules;
To facilitate a better information access to quality management, internal or external;
To reduce carried out control number, transferring to the production the responsibility of producing with quality;
To keep reliable history, allowing a efficient traceability with documentation;
To enable on-line CEP (Process Statistic Control) implementation with inspection by the operator so the detected problems can be immediately adjusted;
To provide information about suppliers and items, allowing its improvements, sending them to the reality of partnership as well to the reality of ensured quality;
To keep Board Diaries related to no-conformities that occurred during production, receipts, maintenance, management and with the clients;
To allow dispatch to issue quality certificates (including to export) without Quality Guarantee management;
To create responsibilities levels (very well defined) to all related elements;
To manage procedures to perform tests, maintenances, managements, etc;
To provide grants to managers take decisions, supplied by reliable and practical information.
To keep all company documents rigorously updated and distributed;
To keep history and to control corrective actions that are in process;
Enable registration/control of documents that are not controlled.