Páginas filhas
  • ESTAGRO - Bi-annual Tracking Report on the Stock of Pesticides

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It is intended for sites that produce, market, consume, transport, or store pesticides, their components and the like. In order to track these operations in the territory.



Table SB5 – Product Complement File


In the Tax Records module, option Reports/Official Tax Records/Pesticide Track., check the values of the routine parameters according to the following instruction:

From Date?

Enter the initial date for processing the report.

To Date?

Enter the final date for processing the report.

From Product?

Enter the initial product to be processed.

To Product?

Enter the final product to be processed.

From Group?

Enter the initial group of products to be processed.

To Group?

Enter the final group of products to be processed.

Merchant's name?

Enter the name of the merchant responsible for the supplied data.


Enter the registration number of the establishment at CIDASC (Integrated Company of Agricultural Development of Santa Catarina) or IDAF (Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Defense of ES).


Enter the category in which the establishment fits to print the report header.

Closing Dt. ?

Enter the date of the last stock closure that should be considered to issue the report. It is worth remembering that this date will be the starting point of the report, that is, the stock found on the date entered in this question will be the initial stock. The final stock will be calculated by adding the entries and subtracting the outputs from the initial stock period found.



Legislation: {+} http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/decreto/2002/d4074.htm+Image Removed