Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


If a budget was registered for customer 000001 for the period from 04/01/03 to 04/20/03, no new record for the same customer in the period from 04/15/03 to 05/15/03 is allowed.


The system checks and updates the budget balances when adding the sale order. The parameter MV_SOMAVER is used to indicate if, in a sale with value greater than list price, the difference will be credited in the budget corresponding to the term of the order. The budget balance flows generated from the sales order can be checked through the routine Budget Flow.

Image ModifiedTip:

If the sale order is deleted, the budget flows generated by the order are canceled, that is, go back to the budget balance.

This parameter indicates the percentage added to the budget balance when the sale price is greater than the list price.



When the parameter MV_FTRSOMA  is filled out with 30, means that only 30% of value sold with higher price is added to the budget.


The difference between what is allowed by the rule and granted in the sales order is discounted from the balance of the sale budget, if there is a balance. If there is insufficient balance, the order will be blocked by budget, with orange status in the maintenance window.

Image ModifiedImportant:

If there are blockages, the sale order is not released.

  • Blockage of Rule - The order must be changed according to the business rule stipulated.
  • Blockage of Sale - The routine Release of Rules must be used.

Process flow of sales budgets -> issue of sale order:

To understand better the process that runs in the budget file up to the sale order, see the flowchart below:



See Also