Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • Discount by Header
  • Discount by Item

Image ModifiedImportant:

The system verifies if there is an existing Discount Rule with the same information placed in the header, such as Price List, Payment Term, Payment Mode, and Customer/Store. If the system finds the Discount Rule with the same information, it displays the following message: Discount Rule has already been previously registered, and it suggests the solution: Change this rule data, or change the existing rule.

The header of the discount rule must be used to define the percentage discount for all products of a sale, regardless of what they are.


  • Product
  • Discount
  • Range (999,999.99) Bonus.

As the payment mode and term are defined only in the end of the sale process, which happens at the same time, the Modules Store Control and Point of Sales only consider the discount rules that do not hold the defined payment.  The payment term and mode fields are hidden in the Store Control module in the Discount Rule registration screen. 

Possible Scenarios



A single discount rule for the product informed in the sale.

If the parameter is checked to grant the discount for the item, it is registered in the invoice right after the item description. Otherwise, if the parameter is checked to grant the discount in the final price, the item is registered with no discount, and the discount is granted in the total value of the coupon.

More than one discount rule to this same product.

First, the discount parameter on the item or on the total is checked and, according to the customer configuration, the rule applies to the item or over the total value. Later on, the application points out, through the parameter, the value considered (lower or higher) and the discount rule is defined and applied.

Routines, part of short term sales registration, are also: Price List and Bonus.



Adding a discount rule:

  1. In Discount Rules, click Add.
  2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
  3. After entering the header, list the products to build the rule.
  4. This register has self-explanatory filling up, yet we suggest reference to the topic Main Fields/Controls.
  5. To add more lines to the header, press the Down Arrow.
  6. Check data and confirm them.

Image ModifiedNote:

To automatically generate discount to the client next purchase, you must activate option Disc. Pro. Sale.