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Speaking of changing registration status...


Users who wish to change the status of registrations must have this permission defined in the Control Panel Permissions – feature: Learning - Change of registration status; option: active Status.


Basic path


Change registration status


01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.


11. View all class registrations in the defined period.




Edit student score



01. Select the student whose score will be changed.


05. Select the confirmation icon, located in the edit column; or the cancellation icon to discard all changes made. 

Approve student



01. Select the student to be approved.



Whenever courses require minimum scores to be completed, students may only be approved upon reaching such minimum score. In case of students who failed to reach such score, their score must first be changed to the minimum required score before they can be approved.

Once approved, the student ceases to be a member of the class and subject community – if it exists.



Fail student



01. Select the student to be failed.



Whenever courses have minimum approval scores, students must have a lower score in order to fail. If a student’s score is equal or greater than the minimum approval score and such student still must fail, the current score must be changed.

If the student fails, he ceases to be a member of the class and subject community – if it exists.



Cancel registration



01. Select the student whose registration will be canceled.



When cancelling the registration of a student, he is deleted from the class and subject community - if any, and loses access to the course and also his status/progress. If the student is re-registered in the same course, he must sit all course items again.  


titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.1 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

