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  1. 3039866 DSERFAT-6534 DT Consulta Genérica - Exportação para Excel - Tabela SD2

    ) Requisições por Lote (SD5); r) Movimentações de CQ (SD7); s) Itens Sugestão de Compras (SDF); t) Itens do Orçamento (SL2); u) Acumulados de Vendas (SL3); w) Itens
    Linha Microsiga Protheus11 jun, 2018
  2. Produtos - MATA010 - Estoque - P12

    bra.jpg CONTEÚDO Visão Geral Exemplo de utilização Operações Principais Campos Pré condições para utilização da rotina Parâmetros do sistema Pontos de entrada Adapter EAI M-messenger Tabelas utilizadas Processos relacionados Perguntas e respostas mais frequentes (FAQ) 01. VISÃO GERAL O cadastro de P
    Linha Microsiga Protheus27 out, 2021
  3. erro_cadfor (1).log

    THREAD ERROR ([13760], marcelo.campos, GEQ10-NT039) 21/11/2022 11:03:46 : Error : 936 - ORA-00936: missing expression ( From tOracleConnection::GetQueryFile ) Thread ID [10036] User [MARCELOCAMPOS] IO [2777] Tables [50] MaxTables [50] Comment [MATA020 - TCPIP - ThreadID(13760)] SP [ ] Traced [No] SQLReplay [No] InTr
  4. error log.log

    THREAD ERROR ([2344], rafael.cicero, SPON019400452) 22/11/2022 16:21:38 Update error - File is in EOF - _SC00 in file C:\bamboo\xml-data\build-dir\TP11-OF20310-TECXWIN64\advpl\advplfile.cpp at line 72 on FGERARLOG(GPEA210.PRX) 20/06/2022 09:44:29 line : 2218 [TOTVS build: 7.00.210324P-20221005] Called from FGRAVATR
  5. error log.log

    THREAD ERROR ([2344], rafael.cicero, SPON019400452) 22/11/2022 16:21:38 Update error - File is in EOF - _SC00 in file C:\bamboo\xml-data\build-dir\TP11-OF20310-TECXWIN64\advpl\advplfile.cpp at line 72 on FGERARLOG(GPEA210.PRX) 20/06/2022 09:44:29 line : 2218 [TOTVS build: 7.00.210324P-20221005] Called from FGRAVATR
  6. errorlogviagemmod2.txt

  7. tmsa170.log

    THREAD ERROR ([7724], gianni.francesco, SPON019402901) 30/12/2022 16:00:55 array out of bounds ( 4 of 3 ) on TMSA040MNT(TMSA040.PRW) 22/12/2022 09:46:14 line : 307 [TOTVS build: 7.00.210324P-20220916] Called from {||WMudaCad(cTitle,'Alterar'),TMSA040Mnt(Alias(),RecNo(), 2),oBrowse:SetFocus(),oBrowse:Re
  8. errorlog_krug.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([20992], gustavo.krug, JVN060104250) 23/11/2022 11:13:29 Cannot find method MPFORMMODEL:AT on TMSA153AVL(TMSA153A.PRW) 03/02/2020 16:30:52 line : 1333 [TOTVS build: 7.00.210324P-20221005] Called from { |OMODEL, NLINE, CACTION| TMSA153AVL(OMODEL,NLINE, CACTION) }(TMSA153A.PRW) 03/02/2020 16:30:52 li
  9. errorlog_DLM_DLN.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([13900], gustavo.krug, JVN060104250) 07/12/2022 10:29:15 DLM990: DB error (Insert): -37 File: DLM990 - Error : 2601 (23000) (RC=-1) - [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DLM990' with unique index 'DLM990_UNQ'. The duplicate key value is (
  10. errorlog_krug_visualizar_viagem.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([5340], gustavo.krug, JVN060104250) 23/01/2023 08:37:11 invalid macro source (SSYacc0105e: Error token failed, no valid token):(DbSetFilter({||(DTQ_FILIAL = ' ' .And. DTQ_SERTMS = '3' .And. DTQ_TIPTRA = '1' .And. DTQ_VIAGEM IN ('000299') )},'(DTQ_FILIAL = " " .And. DTQ_SERTMS = "3" .And. DTQ_TIPTRA