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  1. Saldos Base x Saldos Compostos

    No módulo Contabilidade Gerencial existe o conceito de Saldos base e Saldos compostos. Para facilitar o entendimento de como o sistema armazena tais informações, segue abaixo as tabelas de saldos: Saldos Base CT3 Saldo por Centro de Custo CT4  Saldo por Item Contábil CT7 Saldo por Conta Contábi
    Linha Microsiga Protheus19 jun, 2015
  2. CTB0050_Saldos_Base_x_Saldos_Compostos

    tais informações, segue abaixo as tabelas de saldos: Saldo Base CT3 Saldo por Centro de Custo CT4 Saldo por Item Contábil CT7 Saldo por Conta
    Linha Microsiga Protheus22 mar, 2016
  3. CTB210GR - Lançamento de apuração -- 10972

    : Nome Tipo Descrição Default Obrigatório Referência ALIAS Caracter CTI,CT3,CT7,CT4 X
    Linha Microsiga Protheus03 jul, 2012
  4. Tables (CTBC020 - SIGACTB)

    CT1 - Chart of Accounts CT2 - Accounting Entries CT3 - Cost Center Balance CT4 - Accounting Item Balance CTD - Accounting Item Register CTH - Value Class Register CTI - Value Class Balance CT7 – Chart of Accounts Balance CV3 - Entry Tracing CQ0 – Balance by Account in the Month CQ1 – Balance by Account in
  5. Base Balances x Compound Balances

    The Management Accounting module has the concepts of Base Balances and Compound Balances. To more easily understand how the system stores this information, see the balance tables below: Base Balances CT3 Balance by Cost Center CT4  Balance by Accounting Item CT7 Balance by Ledger
  6. Saldos base vs. Saldos compuestos

    En el módulo Contabilidad de gestión existe el concepto de Saldos base y Saldos compuestos. Para facilitar la comprensión de cómo el sistema almacena dicha información, a continuación se muestran las tablas de saldos: Saldos base CT3 Saldo por centro de costo CT4  Saldo por ítem contable
  7. Tables (CTBA350 - SIGACTB)

    CT1 - Chart of Accounts Register CT2 - Accounting Entries CT3 - Cost Center Balance CT4 - Accounting Item Balance CT6 - Lot Totals CT7 – Chart of Accounts Balance CTI - Value Class Balance CT5 - Standard Entry CTC - Document Balance CQ0 – Balance by Account in the Month CQ1 – Balance by Account in the Day
  8. Tables (CTBA280 - SIGACTB)

    chi.jpg CT2 - Accounting Entries CT3 - Cost Center Balance CT4 - Accounting Item Balance CT7 - Balance of Chart of Accounts CTI - Value Class Balance CT5 - Standard Entry CTC - Document Balance CTQ - Off line Apportions CQ0 – Balance by Account in the Month CQ1 – Balance by Account in the Day CQ2 – Balance
  9. Tables (CTBA220 - SIGACTB)

    CT1 - Chart of Accounts CT2 - Accounting Entries CT3 - Cost Center Balance CT4 - Accounting Item Balance CT6 - Lot Totals CT7 – Chart of Accounts Balance CTC - Document Balance CTD - Accounting Item CTF – Document Numbering CTH - Value Class Register CTI - Value Class Balance CTT - Cost Center CQ0
  10. Tables (CTBA192 - SIGACTB)

    CT2 - Accounting Entries CT7 - Balance of Chart of Accounts CT3 - Cost Center Balance CT4 - Accounting Item Balance CTI - Value Class Balances CQ0 – Balance by Account in the Month CQ1 – Balance by Account in the Day CQ2 – Balance by Cost Center in the Month CQ3 – Balance by Cost Center in the Day CQ4