Árvore de páginas

0Successful operation.
2Key value already exists in index.
3Could not delete target key value since recbyt does not match associated data record position in index.
4Could not find target key value in index. No deletion performed. May indicate improper use of buffers during ReWriteRecord or ReWriteVRecord.
5Cannot call DeleteKeyBlind with an index that supports duplicate keys.
6ctree() function jump table error.
7Terminate user.
-8sysiocod value when FNOP_ERR caused by conflicting open requests (Server).
-9sysiocod value when FNOP_ERR, DCRAT_ERR, or KCRAT_ERR caused by device access error.
10InitCTree parameters require too much space.
11Bad InitCTree parameter(s): either bufs < 3, idxs <0, sect <1, or dats < 0.
12Could not open file. Either file does not exist, filnam points to incorrect file name, or file is locked by another process. Check sysiocod for the system-level error.For the client/server model only, if a file open returns FNOP_ERR, check sysiocod. If sysiocod = FCNF_COD, (-8), the file exists but there is file mode conflict preventing the file from being opened. For example, requesting an EXCLUSIVE open when the file is already open SHARED.
13OpenIFile cannot determine type of file. Version 3.3 files must be rebuilt before using OpenIFile.
14'File appears corrupt at open. This occurs if a file is updated; and the disk protocol is set at NOTFORCE; and CloseIFile is not executed. Rebuild file.'
15Data file has been compacted, but not rebuilt. Rebuild data file, but do not force rebuild.
16Could not create index file. Either no space is available on disk or filnam points to improper name.
17Could not create data file. Either no space is available on disk or filnam points to improper name.
18Tried to create existing index file.
19Tried to create existing data file.
20Key length too large for node size. There must be room for at least 3 key values per node.  The node size is given by sect * 128 where sect is 3rd InitCTree parameter. 
21Cannot create data file with record length smaller than 5.
22filno out of range: 0 <= filno < fils, where fils is 2nd InitCTree parameter. This error may occur if c-tree Plus has not been initialized (via InitISAM, OpenISAM, CreateISAM, or InitCTree).
23Illegal index member number.
24Could not close file.  Usually indicates that memory is clobbered.
25Bad link in deleted node list. Rebuild file.
26File number (datno, keyno, or filno) is not in use.
27Data record position before 1st actual data record.
28AddKey called with recbyt = 0.
29Data file routine called with recbyt = 0.
30recbyt exceeds logical end of file.  If recbyt is correct, then data file header record may be incorrect. If so, rebuild data file.
31'Next record in delete chain of a fixed-length data file does not have 1st byte set to 0xff. Data file header record may be corrupt; if so, rebuild data file.  Or C255 constant is incorrect: see ctcmpl.h.'
32Attempt to delete data record twice in a row.
33recptr is NULL.
34Could not find correct predecessor node. Should not show up in a single user system. Indicates that an index insertion was interrupted before completion. Rebuild index.
35lseek failed in function ctio (ctclib.c). Possible causes are: out of disk space, corrupted record position in file, or corrupted file descriptor.
36Read failed in function ctio (ctclib.c). Possible cause: corrupted data record position in file.
37Write failed in function ctio. See 35 above.
38Could not convert a virtually opened file to an actually opened file. This might occur if your application uses up some file descriptors after a virtual file has been automatically closed. You can protect against this by lowering the MAXVFIL parameter in ctoptn.h.
39The four-byte data record position (or node position) address space has been exhausted.
40sect * 128 (where sect is 3rd InitCTree parameter) was larger when index was created. Buffers are too small for nodes.
41Could not unlock data record. If dummy lock file is in use, be sure it has a file mode of 3.
42Could not obtain data record lock. In a DOS system, be sure that the network is up or share is loaded.
43Current configuration parameters are inconsistent with the configuration parameters at the time of file creation.
44Data file serial number overflow.
45Index key length exceeds MAXLEN parameter. Change MAXLEN in ctoptn.h and recompile c-tree Plus.
46File number is already in use
47c-tree Plus has not been initialized
48A function has been called for the wrong type of file: e.g., a variable-length function is called for a fixed-length data file.
49Could not write file directory updates to disk during file extension.
50Could not lock index file node.
51Could not unlock index file node. If a dummy lock file is in use, be sure it has a file mode of 3.
52Variable-length and/or floating point keys disabled in ctoptn.h.
53 The file's file mode is inconsistent with the compile time options selected in ctoptn.h. 
54Attempt to write a read only file.
55File deletion failed.
56File must be opened exclusive for delete.
57Proper lock is not held (CHECKLOCK/READ).
58LoadKey called with incorrect key number.  You cannot continue.
59LoadKey called with key out of order.  You may skip this key and continue.
60Percent out of range.
61NULL fcb detected during I/O.
62File must be opened exclusively.
63Start file/log file serial number error.
64Checkpoint past end of log file.
65Not enough memory during transaction processing.
66Log file entry failed to find checkpoint.
67Could not rename file.
68Could not allocate memory for control list.
69Node does not belong to index.
70Transaction already pending.
71No active transaction.
72No space for shadow buffer.
73 LOGFIL encountered during shadow only. 
74Recovery: two active transactions for user. 
75 Recovery:  bad transaction owner.
76 Recovery:  bad transaction type. 
77 Recovery:  file name too long. 
78Transaction abandoned: too many log extents or dynamic dump wait exhausted. 
79 Could not log file opn/cre/cls/del. 
80 NULL target or bad keyno. 
81Transaction allocation error.
82User allocation error.
83ISAM allocation error.
84Maximum users exceeded.
85Attempt to reduce write lock to read lock after update.
86Dead lock detected.
87System not quiet: files in use.
88Linked list memory allocation error.
89Memory allocation during tran processing.
90Could not create queue.
91Queue write error.
92Queue memory error during write.
93Queue read error.
94Pending error: cannot save or commit tran.
95Could not start task.
96Start-file/log open error.
97Bad user handle.
98Bad transaction mode.
99transaction type / mode conflict.
100No current ISAM record for data file isam_fil.

Could not satisfy ISAM search request for index isam_fil. The following 4 items are the most probable causes of the INOT_ERR.

1) Passing GetRecord a duplicate allowed index number (keyno). GetRecord does not support duplicate allowed indices.

2) 'Improper target padding.  Review the section ''Key Segment Modes'' in the ''ISAM functions'' chapter.

3) 'Not calling TransformKey on target. See TransformKey function description for an example.

4) 'Improper segment mode. Review the section ''Key Segment Modes'' in the ''ISAM functions'' chapter.'

102ISAM parameter file does not exist. Be sure that filnam parameter points to correct name. isam_fil value is undefined.
103Could not read ISAM parameter file Initialization record. isam_fil is undefined. Be sure that parameter file is not empty, and that the correct short integer input conversion character has been specified in ctoptn.h.
104Number of files opened exceeds fils parameter at initialization. Increase fils. Optionally change ctMAXFIL in ctoptn.h. isam_fil is undefined.
105Could not undo a rejected ISAM update.  Data file must be rebuilt.  (During the rebuild, look for records with rejected duplicate key values.)
106Could not read ISAM parameter file Data File Description record for isam_fil. Be sure parameter file is consistent with RTREE setting in ctoptn.h.
107Too many indices for data file number isam_fil in ISAM parameter file. Change MAX_DAT_KEY in ctoptn.h.
108keyno for index file member out of sequence. keyno must equal host index file keyno plus member number.
109Too many key segments defined in ISAM parameter file for index number isam_fil. Change MAX_KEY_SEG in ctoptn.h. Be sure that parameter file is consistent with RTREE setting in ctoptn.h.
110Could not read ISAM parameter file Key Segment Description record for index number isam_fil.
111Could not read ISAM parameter file Index File Description record. isam_fil indicates the relative index number for an unspecified data file.
112LockISAM(ENABLE) found pending locks. To help enforce two-phase lock protocol.
113No space left in c-tree Plus's internal lock list
1141st byte of fixed-length data record found by ISAM routine equals delete flag.
115Sum of key segment lengths does not match key length for index number isam_fil.
116Bad mode parameter.
117Could not read ISAM parameter file Index Member record.
118NextInSet or PreviousInSet called with a keyno that does not match keyno in last call to FirstInSet or LastInSet.
119FirstInSet called for numeric key type.
120Not enough dynamic memory for record buffer in ctrbld.c.
121Tried to update data with ctISAMKBUFhdr on.
122Attempt to change between fixed and variable-length records during rebuild. Once a data file is created, its record length characteristic cannot be changed.
123A variable-length data record is not preceded by a valid record mark. The file is apparently corrupted.
124Number of indices in index file does not match IFIL structure in call to OpenIFile or the parameter file specified by OpenISAM.
125c-tree Plus is already initialized via a previous call to InitISAM, OpenISAM, CreateISAM, or InitCTree.
126Bad directory path get.
127Could not send request.
128Could not receive answer.
129c-tree Plus not initialized.
130NULL file name pointer in OpenIFile.
131File name length exceeds message size.
132No room for application message buffer.
133Could not identify Server.
134Could not get Servers message id.
135Could not allocate application id.
136Could not get application message status.
137Could not set application message size.
138Could not get rid of application message.
139Badly formed file name.
140Variable record length exceeds 65,529 bytes.
141Required message size exceeds maximum.
142Application MAXLEN > Server's MAXLEN ctoptn.h.
143Communications handler not installed.
144Application could not id output queue.
145No message space. Was login ok?
146Could not update available space information in variable-length data file.
147Record pointed to by available space information is not marked deleted in variable-length data file.
148Attempt to write a variable-length record into a file position which is too small for the record.
149Variable-length passed to AddVRecord is less than minimum record length established at file creation.
150Server is shutting down.
151'Could not shut down; transactions pending.'
152Could not extend logfile.
153Buffer in call to ReReadVRecord is too small for the variable-length record.
154Attempt to read (ReReadVRecord) a zero length record from a variable-length data file.
155Native system failure.
156Timeout error.
158ReReadVRecord record not marked active.
159Zero data record position in variable-length function.
160Multi-user interference: key value changed between index search and subsequent data record read.
161User appears inactive.
162Server has gone away.
163No more room in Server lock table - free up memory.
164File number out of range.
165No c-tree file control block.
166No more c-tree file control blocks in Server.
167Could not read request.
168Could not send answer.
169Create file already opened (in recovery).
170Bad function number at Server.
171Application message size exceeds Server size.
172Could not allocate Server message buffer.
173Could not identify Server.
174Could not get Server message id
175Server could not allocate user message area
176Could not get Server message status
177Could not set message Server message size
178Unexpected file number assigned to [si] in recovery.
179Server is at full user capacity
180Could not read r-tree symbolic index name.
181Could not get dynamic memory for r-tree symbolic index name.
182Cannot accommodate temporary r-tree files. Increase ctMAXFIL.
183Could not read r-tree data field symbolic names.
184Multiple set buffer space already allocated.
185Not enough dynamic memory for multiple sets.
186Set number out of range in ChangeSet.
187Null buffer pointer in r-tree.
188Null target buffer pointer in r-tree.
189JOINS_TO skip condition in r-tree.
190JOINS_TO error condition in r-tree.
191JOINS_TO null fill condition in r-tree.
192IS_DETAIL_FOR skip condition in r-tree.
193IS_DETAIL_FOR error condition in r-tree.
194IS_DETAIL_FOR null fill condition in r-tree.
195Could not get dynamic memory for r-tree data field symbolic names.
196Exceeded RETRY_LIMIT on error 160 in r-tree.
197Could not get memory for IFIL block.
198Improper IFIL block.
199Key segment refers to schema but no schema is defined.
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